Bologna Process. The Bologna Process is an important process of harmonizing various systems of European higher education that has the objective to create a European Area of Higher Education and to promote the European system of higher education on a worldwide scale in order to increase its international competitiveness.For more information on Bologna Process

Barcelona Agreement Starting the academic year 2007-2008 a joint program with the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona is also available to obtain a double title in Bioinformatics and Bioinformatics for the Health Science. Barcellona Agreement (Download in PDF)

Contacts for international students
Whom to contact for further information

Accommodation, Servicies and Facilities
SAIS: Student Accommodation and Information Service
Services & Facilities
User Guide to Bologna
Medical Assistance

Collegio Biologi Università Italiane
CBUI: Collegio Biologi Università Italiane

PhD programme at the University of Bologna
Doctorates Schools