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December 4-5, 2013
Fifth International Clinical Genomics & Informatics Europe conference - High-Scale Computing: Turning Big Genomics Data into Smart Data - Lisbon (Portugal) - link

September 16-20, 2013
Special Advanced Course in NGS data analysis:"Nucleotide Sequences Homology Modeling in the Next Gen Sequencing Era"
Prof. Cédric Notredame -Centro de Regulacio Genomica-Barcelona - Course Programme

September 9-10, 2013
2nd International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Proteomics, Structural Biology and Bioinformatics - Naples (Italy) - link

June 12th-14th, 2013
8th International Forum on Oxidative Stress and Aging - Bologna (Italy) - link

June 24-29, 2013
Theoretical and Practical Course “Bioinformatics: Computer Methods in Molecular and Systems Biology” - Trieste (Italy) - leaflet

May 17-20, 2013

26-29 Marzo, 2013
Corso di alta formazione in "Elementi di Bionformatica per l'analisi di dati NGS" - website

February 11-15, 2013
Bologna Winter School 2013: Bioinformatics and Epigenomics website

November 19-23, 2012
Special Course:"Protein Structure and Function" - Prof. Arthur Lesk. Via San Giacomo 9/2 - Lab C.

4-7 Dicembre, 2012
Corso di Alta Formazione in "Elementi di Bioinformatica per l'analisi di dati NGS" LINK

Ottobre 19, 2012
Inaugurazione del Centre for Genome Biology - Aula Magna Antropologia - via Selmi, 3 - Bologna. Programma

Ottobre 15-16, 2012
Seminario: "Assicurazione e Valutazione Interna della Qualità - sede Fondazione CRUI – Piazza Rondanini, 48 00186 Roma LINK

September 14, 2012
Seminar: "Identification of tumorigenic pathways from large-scale genomic data". Prof Silvio Bicciato - Center for Genome Research, Dept. of Life Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. The seminar will be held in Via Belmeloro 6, , 2.30 pm Abstract

September 21, 2012
From Structural Genomics to Drug Discovery - Nuclear Receptors: From in silico modelling to in vivo experiments - Programme.

12-13 settembre 2012
Workshop:"Analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Data" - Caffè della Corte - Corte Isolani, 5/B - Bologna.

August 27-31, 2012

June 13, 2012
Seminar: "Computational Approaches for Annotating Membrane Proteins Based on their Structure and Function". Prof Michael Gromhia. The seminar will be held in Via San Giacomo 9/2, lab C, 3.00pm

July 7-14, 2012
Lipari School on BioInformatics and Computational Biology. LINK

March 30, April 2nd and 3rd, 2012
Prof Ugur Sezerman seminar: "Biological Networks, Graph Search Algorithms and their applications in Computational Biology". 2:00 pm - Via San Giacomo 9/2 - Bologna. For registration send e-mail to lsbioinfo AT biocomp DOT unibo DOT it

February 12-14, 2012
Prof Tom Scerri seminar: "Analysing NGS data to find disease causing variants". 2:00 pm - Via San Giacomo 9/2 - Bologna. For registration send e-mail to lsbioinfo AT biocomp DOT unibo DOT it

February 6-10, 2012
Special Course: What is protein function? - A. Lesk - Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Penn State University.

Bologna Winter School 2012 February 13-17, 2012. Proteins and their variants: structure and function prediction

Lipari School on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics July 7-14, 2012. Pharmacogenomics

Bologna, 20-24 Febbraio 2012 VI SEMINARIO di SCIENZA e FILOSOFIA - Indagare la Mente: La Persona e il Dolore

February 6-10, 2012
Special Course: What is protein function? - A. Lesk - Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Penn State University.

September 26-29, 2011
Special Course: Introduction to Proteins: Structure, Function and Motion given by Prof Nir Ben Tal - Dep.of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - The George S.Wise Faculty of Life Science - Tel Aviv, Israel

September 19-22, 2011
2nd International Summer School on Gender Medicine in Sassari, Italy, from 19. - 22. Sept, organized by international experts from the EU and board members of the International Society of Gender Medicine and the University of Sassari. PDF

July 7-10th, 2011
IIIrd Italian-Hispano-Portuguese Workshop On The Molecular Biology And Biophysics Of Ion Channels And Transporters. Website and Playbill

June 21-24th, 2011
Cycle of seminars: "Elements of Graph Theory". Professor Ugur Sezerman, Sabanci University, Istanbul (Turkey). Laboratory C, Via San Giacomo 9/2 9.30AM-1.00PM

14-18 Febbraio 2011
Seminario Scienza e Filosofia -
Indagare la Mente: chi sono io?

February 7-11 2011
Bologna Winter School 2011:
Deep Sequencing Data Analysis: a challenge for personalized medicine

10/12/2010 The CAGI-2010 dancing award of SNPs&GO

22-23/09/2010 Seminar: Where does sequence information come from? Native state, function and evolution of proteins. Prof. Gustavo Parisi, Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina. September 22 and 23 10:00-1p.m. Aula C - Via San Giacomo 9/2. LINK

4/10/2010 Second VPH NoE Study Group - a networking activity in parallel with the Second Barcelona School on Biomedical Informatics (BSBMI’10) - Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB), October 4th-8th 2010. LINK

16/02/2010 Seminar:
Human time sense as neurologic puzzle.
Prof. Arnaldo Benini
Prof. of Brain surgery and Neurology at the University of Zurich.
Laboratory C, Via San Giacomo 9/2 - 11.30 A.M.

IV Seminario di Scienza e Filosofia:
Indagare la Mente
Bologna 15-19 Febbraio 2010

February 8-12 2010
Bologna Winter School 2010:
Computational Methods for Systems Biology

26/10/2009 Seminario:
L'ordine della complessita'
Prof. Alessandro Giuliani
Lunedí 26 Ottobre 2009 ore 15, Aula Laboratorio C - Via San Giacomo 9/2. Webpage Prof.Giuliani

19/10/2009 Seminar:
Diversity and evolution of satellite DNAs
Prof. Miroslav Plohl
October 19, 2009 3.00 P.M., Aula Magna Antropologia - Via Selmi,1

7/10/2009 Seminar: "Bioinformatics plays a central role in understanding the epigenome". Dr. Iros Barozzi, IFOM-IEO Campus, Milano. Lab C - Via San Giacomo 9/2 - 3 P.M.

21/09/2009 Seminar: "Non invasive assessment in the evaluation of lung illness". Prof. Elisabeth Fireman, Head Laboratory Pulmonary and Allergic Diseases, Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center

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