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RGB-Net: a Collaborative European Network on Rabbit Genome Biology



Prof. Luca Fontanesi
Dr. Hervé Garreau

Members only

A rabbit

Working Group 1

Refinement of the European rabbit genome resource and development of genome-based platforms

The OryCun2 European rabbit genome assembly represents a resource of paramount importance that, however, needs improvements and refinements. Considering the smaller scientific community around this species than that around other animals (e.g. rodents, cattle), it is important to put together all European groups interested in further improvement of this resource in order to proceed toward advanced scientific applications and translational activities that can be derived from it. Therefore WG1 will provide data, resources and platforms for this purpose and will coordinate actions and programs to improve annotation and assembly of the European rabbit genome. Moreover, WG1 will coordinate the exchange of already available genomics and transcriptomics tools and information as well as the development of new and more advanced tools, methods and platforms considering the tremendous expected progress in data generation by the genomic sector through the use of next generation sequencing and high throughput genotyping technologies. Furthermore, dissemination of these technologies and approaches to interested member groups will be coordinated by this WG.


Group leader: Dr. Claire Rogel Gaillard (France)


  1. Improvement of the annotation and assembly of the European rabbit genome.
  2. Sharing and development of genomic tools and information.
  3. Sharing and development of transcriptomic tools and expertise.
  4. Systems biology platform.
Within task 4, the Biocomputing Group (Rita Casadio) has carried out a survey within RGB-Net members based on keywords summarizing their expertises. Based on this information an RGB-Net network was designed. This survey could be considered the first level of Systems Biology platform within RGB-Net. Please see Rita Casadio presentation at the first RGB-Net meeting held in Bologna.